Tuesday 12 November 2013

With a new EU tobacco directive in the pipeline, the EU is trying to “lay down” the law. This new directive proposes a new regulation that stipulates any electronic device containing more than 4mg of nicotine should be classed as a medicinal product.
Electronic cigarettes

What this will mean is that many electronic cigarette businesses will have to cease to operate. Applying for authorization will require companies to undergo extensive and expensive clinical trials forcing businesses to close as they become commercially unvisitable. At best 1 maybe 2 electronic cigarette companies will remain. This will be a devastating blow for consumers. Currently there is choice for users of electronic cigarettes london as different companies offer different products and flavors. Creating a monopoly situation simply means no choice for consumers and will undoubtedly hike up prices, making the cost benefit redundant. This will have a hugely devastating effect driving users of e-cigarettes back to traditional cigarettes. Further another fear is that the entire industry will be converted into a black market, which could result in uneducated individuals using substandard components and ingredients putting their own lives at risk.
The UK’s anti smoking charity ASH, Royal College of Physicians and even the UK Government’s cabinet office behavioral insight team all disagree with the proposal in the EU’s directive and believe that electronic cigarettes should be more widely available.The EU’s directive is not consistent with the message promoted by MagiCig, our products are not intended to help smokers to quit and are not a medicinal product. They are simply an alternative to Smoking.

For more info visit the site www.magicig.com.

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